Thursday, September 18, 2008

Finding home...

may be easier than Codi thought. In the reading for today, she discovers that she is a descendant of the Gracela sisters. Hallie is still missing and it doesn't look good. The good news is that we're near the end of the book, where all of these situations will hopefully be resolved. Your job this weekend is to read pages 285-323.

Also, don't forget to complete the blog assignment before you go to bed on Sunday night. Scroll down to find the assignment--it is described in the post entitled, "Blog It Up!"

Have a good weekend.

The Scream...

of the teakettle probably expresses Homero's feelings about his daughter's disappearance. Yep, Hallie has been taken by the Contras. Where is she and what will Codi do without the person she referred to as a god? Tonight's reading may give us the answers...

Read pp. 253-284 for tomorrow!