Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Today we discussed the research assignment that you will be working on for the next 3 weeks. I showed you how to access SIRS today, so you should have the username and password. You can link to SIRS here. Don't forget that the SIRS front page has a "Leading Issues" section on the right side. If you click on the link to "More Issues," you will see the long, long list of issues that I showed you in class. Then, if you click on the Pro/Con tab, you will be able to see two sides of the issue with links to source information.

Sample Ethical Issue Research Questions (feel free to use):

Should the U.S. intervene in the affairs of Darfur?
Should schools regulate the facebook activity of students?
Should humans breed and kill animals for food?
Do businesses have a responsibility to reduce their carbon footprint?
Should parents monitor the internet use of their children?

The full research assignment is pasted below:

An important element of the 10th grade English experience at EHS is the study of research. Besides learning how to write a research paper, you will also learn how to conduct research. This introductory research assignment will introduce you to the basics of conducting and organizing research.

Upon completion of this unit, students will be able to:
1. Determine and verify the credibility of sources.
2. Prepare a research paper outline.
3. Create an annotated works cited page.
4. Follow MLA format for outlines and works cited citations.

The following schedule will guide you through this introductory research assignment:

Wednesday, December 3
Introduction of ethical issues, research techniques, SIRS, verification of credibility
Assignment due 12/10:
□ Identify research topic (from choices)
□ Find and print three sources
□ Complete credibility sheet for each source
□ Annotate sources, highlighting/underlining information important in answering your research question.

Wednesday, December 10
3 annotated sources with credibility sheets due
Discuss annotated works cited.
Assignment due 12/15:
□ Annotated works cited—MUST BE TYPED!!

Monday, December 15
Typed Annotated Works Cited due
Discussion/model of research paper outline
Assignment due 12/19:
□ 3 annotated sources, each with credibility verification sheet
□ Appropriately formatted research paper outline—MUST BE TYPED!!
□ Appropriately formatted annotated works cited page—MUST BE TYPED!!