Homework: Choice novel exam tomorrow (including vocab); Individual quote analysis and project due Friday.
If you were absent, please show me your notebook on Friday.
The individual quote analysis requires a Works Cited page. Here are the MLA citation formats for some of the pieces you are including (I have assumed that you will get everything online):
Informative text (online):
Author's last name, first name. "Title of the Web Article." Title of the Web site Date the Article was added to the site. Date you retrieved the article from the Web.
Title. Dir. (director's name). Perf. (name the lead actors, first name followed by last name, with commas between them). Production company, year of release.
Poet's last name, first name. "Title of the poem." Title of the Website. Ed. (name of website's editor). Date the poem was published. Date you retrieved the poem from the site.
Subject of map (like Dominican Republic). Map. Date created on web. Date retrieved from web.
Or, you are welcome to visit this site for more MLA information.