We have been thrust into the culture of early 20th century rural India. Almost all you read the first two chapters for today, and many of you indicated that you are enjoying the book so far. Today in class we took notes on the author of our novel as well as on aspects of Indian culture. We also took a quiz on chapters 1-2. The homework for tomorrow is to read chapters 3-4, pp. 18-30. The entire reading schedule is below:
The date indicates the night you should read the assigned pages as homework:
Jan. 27: pp. 3-17
Jan. 28: pp. 18-30
Jan. 29: pp. 31-45
Jan. 30: pp. 46-57
Feb. 2: pp. 49-57
Feb. 3: pp. 58-77
Feb. 4: pp. 78-91
Feb. 5: pp. 92-102
Feb. 6: pp 103-123
Feb. 9: pp. 124-149
Feb. 10: pp. 150-164
Feb. 11: pp. 165-176
Feb. 12: pp. 177-186
**Keep in mind that you should be looking for an outside reading book or article to read this week and discuss on the blog by Sunday evening.
15 years ago