Today we worked on close analysis of our texts. If you were absent, please complete the following:
Locate 3 passages of the story that your group should reread, discuss, and think about.
Passages should be important things for everyone to notice, remember, or think about.
Choose a variety of passages, not all the same type--here are suggestions:
*confusing (something you wonder if other people "got")
*descriptive writing: figurative language, strong verbs, etc. (identify literary devices)
*important (maybe a clue? foreshadowing?)
*controversial event (elicits different opinions from group members)
Create 3 notebook pages (front-back-front) entitled, “Prominent Passage DJs”
Respond to your passages as dialectical journals.
Dialectical Journals:
*Fold page in half vertically (hot dog style)
*Write quote (with page #)on left side
*Respond to quote on right side (response to quote should be top to bottom of right side of page)
Wednesday: Notebook Check, Bookmark Check, Outside Reading Book IN CLASS!
Choice Unit Notebook Items to be Checked:
5/4 Effects of War, A to Z
5/5 Character Analysis
5/8 Response Questions
5/11 Plot of _______
5/12 4-Square Vocabulary
5/15 Conflict and Setting Analysis
5/18 Prominent Passages
5/19 Response Questions #2 (not yet completed)
Thursday: Novel Final Exam (including vocabulary)
Friday: Choice Novel Presentations
Individual Summary and Project Due
Individual Quote Analysis (w/Works Cited Page) Due
15 years ago